Make an Android & Web Project like an Expert.

Pankaj Bhisikar
4 min readApr 13, 2021
Android Studio for app building.

In this evolving technology era, many Web applications and Android applications are developing every day and the stakes are already high. If we want to develop something, we need to think more about today’s real-world problem and its innovative solutions. A lot of people are focusing on developing something based on Web and Android technology but they don’t know how that will work or even where to start for the same. Here, I will try to explain the key features of the Software Development Life cycle and its process. So, what exactly do you need to build your application for today’s competitive world? To understand this we will take examples of famous Android applications like Zomato, Amazon, and Uber.

Process of Development

This article is helpful for all those who want to build their Android or Web project individually.

Let’s start…………

First of all, every project is unique so accordingly, we have to decide our project structure. Let’s take the example of Zomato. Zomato is a food delivery application and its popularity is touching the sky.

If we are building an Android app for food delivery. There are three major areas to look at the time of development:

  1. Frontend Development
  2. Backend Development
  3. Server

According to me, the beginning of any project should be to decide the server and its capability for future reference i.e if we want to change backend language in the future so the server should be capable to change.

Every application works dynamically i.e if we build an Android application in frontend technology( Android native, React Framework, or Ionic) so the data shown on the application isn’t stored in the application but comes from the server. We have different servers( like Aws, Azure, DigitalOcean) where we can store all the data.

I would suggest cloud hosting for Android applications because there we can store and host any kind of application. If we purchase shared hosting or dedicated hosting it will be hard to deploy newer technology applications.

We will start from the Android end where we will build all the user-end applications. First, we have to analyze the project requirement and try to build its wireframes. For example, you have 2 months to build any application so you have to invest your first 5–10 days in gathering all requirements and understanding it. Accordingly, you have to design wireframes.

Wireframes of Android app screens.

What’s the purpose of having Wireframes designed? It will get you a clear idea about the project and less time will be consumed in your development phase.

Now we have started development for an android application but we have a static application. We need some data like a food list, registration process, etc, which we want on our application. so, how will we get that data? Here APIs come into the picture.

We need some APIs to get all the data. API(Application programming interface) is a mediator who helps to fetch data from databases. Don’t go by the name, let’s understand in a simple way. Consider you are a person and you have a unique name(ex. John). Suppose I have to call you so I’ll call by your name right? “Hey John, can you give me a glass of water please!”. Like this, we will call an API by its name in the URL format to do any task.

For eg. Hey, can you please check my username and password in your database? And what google will reply to you is called response.

So you have APIs which will be stored on the server in the form of code and we call by its file name. APIs is written to perform database operations i.e to get the data from the database and post the data into the database. APIs can be written in any Programming language like php, java, nodejs, python. This is called backend programming.

Go with the latest technology so that you can implement new features.

Next is the database. As we know we have two options for the database SQL/NoSQL. SQL database is designed in the table and row structure and NoSQL database is designed in the tree structure. Examples of SQL databases are MYSQL database, PostGreSQL and examples of NoSQL databases are Mongodb and Firebase.

These all are the basic concepts that can help you to build and decide the flow of your project based on analysis.


Hope this article was helpful

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